Friday, March 6, 2009

Make Extra Money At Home

There are many ways to make extra money at home. Some people who have a very imaginative mind and a good vocabulary write books, some stitch clothes, the ones who are creative and have an artistic bend make use of this talent to either paint or make creative items and then they sell them. But not everyone is a talented artist or writer. The computer and the internet provide people with plenty of ways to make extra money at home. All a person needs is a computer and an internet connection. He/she need not be an expert in computers. Basic knowledge of how to operate the computer and how to use the internet is more than enough. A little creativity and entrepreneurial skills would also help.

The positive thing about working at home to make some extra money is that you have flexibility of time, the freedom to work according to your convenience. There are many options available on the internet for making extra money at home. People have to weigh the different options and choose the ones which would suit them. The option they choose must be fruitful and help them make extra money at home.

One of the ways to make extra money at home is to do survey of products and write your opinion and views regarding that particular brand because a company spends so much money on research and advertisement so that they can reach out to the consumers and more over there is so much of competition in these fields among the various companies and each one tries to out beat the other ,hence it is very essential for the companies to know the tastes, preferences and requirements of the consumers so that they can cater to their demands in a more satisfactory manner. This is the main reason why companies pay people to survey the market and find out how consumers are reacting to their products.

Another way to make money is in case you are a creative person or say you are a seamstress and you design clothes or make quilts or related items then you can either use auction websites or start an online store which will enable you to sell your merchandise to anyone within your country or any where in the world. You can even start your own website and provide various services like resume writing, data entry and blog writing.

There are many more ways to make extra money at home. You can use the search engines to search for websites which provide work from home opportunities. Some companies pay good money to answer their e-mails. You can try that out if you feel up to it.

The internet provides a plethora of opportunities to make extra money at home. You can start your own internet marketing company with a minimal investment. You can also be a virtual landlord and charge others for using your website for selling their products. You can sell virtual real estate. You can also provide services like legal advice, medical advice and technical advice.

Author : Carrie

Google Filters Spam

Online users use Google for research purposes. Google provides pertinent information related to a search query entered by the online user. As much as possible, Google wants to provide its users with quality content alone. Because of this, it abhors low quality and spammy websites.

Google has come up with various spam filters to get rid of websites that aim to spam its ranking algorithm. What are the Google Spam Filters?

  • Google Sandbox

  • Google considers the age of a website in measuring its importance. Most new websites suffer the Google Sandbox filter. The filter aims to identify whether the website has something good to offer to online users.

  • Link Filter

  • Just because links are important in increasing a website's rank on Google, some websites have taken beyond natural linking and resorted to link farms. Link farms won't help your website get good rankings. As a matter of fact, they can even hurt your website's rank badly. As much as possible, get natural links by adding quality relevant content to your website rather than participating in link farms.

    Google also filters websites with suspicious number of links. Don't think that just because you have added a thousand link to your website, your Google ranking and visibility will go up instantly. Google will have to find out how you were able to come up with such a huge number of links.

  • Spam Techniques Filter

  • Google hates spam and websites using spam techniques. Some websites attempt to spam Google's ranking algorithm by using spammy search engine optimisation techniques like the use of invisible text, doorway pages, JavaScript redirects and other techniques. Google uses a -30 filter on these websites. What is meant by -30?

If your website is caught off guard using spammy search engine optimisation techniques, your ranking will be dropped off by 30 spots. So if you enjoy the 20th ranking before, beware because you might be dropped off to the 50th spot.

Getting Filtered

Some websites use search engine spamming techniques thinking that they can easily get around these spam filters. But it is not as easy as that. Google is doing its best to stop or prevent spamming. The penalty to spammy websites may be either be dropped ranking or no visibility on the search results. Unless you want these penalties, stop spamming the search engines.

Instead of spamming, why not just spend your precious time giving your website relevant content. If you do so, Google will not hate your website. In fact, it will love your website!

Author : npresence

Why NoFollow Links Stink

For all of those HTML whizzes out there, this article will be somewhat of a bore.

I'm going to be talking about the nofollow tag - that controversial and somewhat mis-intended tag that stops spammers from using your blog or website for SEO.

I'll start by sharing with you what a no follow tag is, and what it was developed for.

Then we will go on to see why the nofollow tag is somewhat misguided in its attempts to prevent and stop spam. Remember - HTML experts, be warned that this is not in any way an advanced analysis.

Alright - so let's say that you own a blog or website where visitors are able to contribute to content via comment forms, etc. The ultimate annoyance on sites like these occurs when you scroll down to read the user comments after an article or post - and then proceed to find message after message that is either spam or garbage.

Very annoying, to put it mildly.

Fortunately (or perhaps unfortunately), HTML developers introduced the nofollow link attribute.

Links with the nofollow attribute mean that any links posted in these websites' comment sections would be ignored by search engine robots, and therefore prevent free SEO through the multiple posting of useless links.

Are you with me?

Basically, the nofollow link doesn't stop people from posting spam, but it does reduce the incentive, as links posted are no longer “counted" by search robots.

On the surface, this seems useful - and any disincentive to post garbage comments is a great idea in my mind.

However, using hindsight, we can see that the hope resting on the shoulders of the nofollow tag has turned in to somewhat of an empty promise.


Well, probably, it's because it doesn't prevent spam at all.

Let's face it - most spammers don't really care whether Google ranks their website higher in the search results, because if it did - they wouldn't be spamming, since spam is counter-productive to SEO.

Another reason it has been questioned is that it is particularly unfair on those who contribute quality content to a website. Here I'm talking mainly about sites set up with back-end programs such as WordPress or Joomla - where the nofollow attribute comes automatically turned on.

About 90 percent of spam is simply targeted to the immediate reader, and hence there is absolutely no desire for any indirect effects. This is all that the nofollow tag prevents - the secondary effect. Therefore, we can already rule out 90% of trash and say that we are focusing on a very small percentage of website abusers.

If a webmaster wasn't familiar with this, or didn't know how to turn it off - every single person who posts a genuine comment or opinion is being penalized unnecessarily.

This is surely the biggest issue with nofollow tags and why I believe they stink.

So, keep watching the HTML development community. Who knows - there might be a better solution than a nofollow tag in the very near future.

Author : Rovaal

Important Advice On Selecting A Professional SEO Company

This article serves to act as minesweeper, giving you advice on how to select a Professional SEO Company, and obtain a better understanding of the methods that should be applied.

First things first, if you are looking for high search engine rankings for your own site, your optimization company should be skilled to conduct the process to their own site. Of vital importance is whether the optimization company can rank in search engines for their own chosen keywords; naturally search engine optimization and SEO should be embodied in these keywords. The only exception is whether the SEO company has a proven track record but has formed a new company or website in the recent history.

You should also be attentive with what your search engine optimization company guarantees. If you have a new site that is trying to approach popular search terms, claims such as; "we can have you at the top 10 within 30 days" should definitely be excluded. They are either saying anything to get your business or have no idea what the optimization process involves. You should be looking for more realistic promises, and try to remember that the optimization process is a long process.

Inquiring about what services you will receive for your money is perfectly fine. While a comprehensive list of every task undertaken will not be needed, it is advisable to get an idea of the process and what kind of practices will be incorporated. Knowing how your site will have to change and how the linking campaign will be commenced may well be advisable.

Some optimization companies will guarantee their work, but this is certainly not definite for the whole industry. Nor is it a guarantee of success. What is advisable however is to get an idea of how your search engine rankings will be improved and what you will be getting for your money.

If your optimization company recommends the creation of multiple sites as a manner of improving links, it is time to walk away. Usually you will not need more than one site, unless of course your separate sites have clearly different roles. In the same vein, if your SEO recommends that you should use an automatic content generator it is time to walk away. Search engine rankings often depend upon well written and original content, without this it will be difficult to garnish top rankings.

Your optimization endeavors should definitely include a link building strategy. Without links it is difficult to improve search engine rankings, as they are a fundamental part of the SEO process. It is also worth studying on what type of procedures may be deemed as black hat. These techniques should be avoided at all costs. Black hat techniques will seriously harm your rankings and can even lead to your site being banned completely.

By following this advice it should be feasible to find the right professional SEO company for your needs. Effective strategy should be your innermost concern, equally the employment of honorable procedures should be considered instrumental. As SEO becomes an evermore popular method of online marketing, finding a company with confirmed results and beneficial strategies is a prerequisite for success.

Author : Michael